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Where people and technologies
power transformation

Tech, Data and AI expertise, consulting and development

Let's transform
the IT consulting world together

Founded by developers, Flint is part of this new generation of IT consulting companies that is committed to continuing the transformation of the consulting world that started 15 years ago. We are convinced that this transformation requires the daily implementation of strong values. Together, as employees, clients, and partners, we will build this new ecosystem where everyone will thrive.

Our values

Flint is built on four fundamental values that guide our behaviors, decisions, and actions. We embody and practice them every day, thus creating a healthy professional environment for everyone. These values represent the foundation of our company.

Our talents

Flinters (our engineers) support you in resolving your strategic and technological challenges. We help you innovate, improve your existing process/infrastructure, and solve complex technical problems.

Our contributions

Communities couldn’t thrive without everyone’s contribution. At Flint, we believe in the power of collaboration, sharing and collective intelligence within our ecosystems.

We are proud to support them

Work with Flint, it’s sharing these values

Let’s discuss ideas and together overcome your upcoming challenges.

Flint News

Flinters actively engage with tech communities by organizing / taking part in meetups, tech conferences, podcasts, videos, etc.
Discover the latest news from Flint.

Discover our podcast about data and artificial intelligence.
listen the podcast
We are proud to support and contribute to the Sistech association, which provides a professional stepping stone for women refugees in the technology sector.
Meetup -
Let's talk about tech during our Tech Talks Meetup
Discover the meetup